Sunday, February 8, 2015

Photo Story: Just another Day at the Library!

Saige was walking to her new job at the Ag Library, she opened up the shop since the owner was on vacation. "All by Myself," Saige said, "hopefully I do well." Saige continued organizing the books where lo and behold was the book she had been dying to read " Molly Marches on" Saige jumped for Joy, She said "I will put this in the back so when I am all done I can read it."

But just when she was about to put the book back, Kit burst into the Library saying "Where is it!"

She looked at Saige and asked "do you know where the new book 'Molly Marches On,' is I had been dying to read that book!" "I am not sure, if we have it available, I will take a look in the back for you," Saige replied.

Looking in the back she saw the book she wanted to read and that it was the only one left. Saige thought to herself maybe I should not tell her where the book is, and read it anyhow I can probably let her read it tomorrow what's one more day.

Saige said "I am terribly sorry I believe the last copy is on hold in the store, maybe tomorrow it will be available."  Saige felt awful as she looked at Kit's face full of disappointment, "Oh that's okay I will just tell the kids another story," Kit said solemnly. "What Kids?" asked Saige, "The kids at the orphanage I volunteer there, I read to them different stories, they were so looking forward to hearing about that one," replied Kit. When Kit was about to leave, Saige cried "Oh Look I found a copy!" though this was going to be the book she wanted to read.

"Oh thanks so much" said a grateful Kit, "I have a confession to make, I actually knew where the book was, but I also was dying to read it." said a sorry Saige. "It's ok," said Kit, "Why don't you come along with me to read to the orphans." "Of course, I will come along," replied Saige. Saige learned a valuable lesson, by doing the right thing she gained a new friend and got to read the book that she longed to read.

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