Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Book of Fairytales: Ep. 1: The Girl with the Red Cape.

This is the first Episode for Book of Fairytales part one, we decided to make each episode in two parts, since it was too long, Hope you enjoy!

Ruby heard her mother calling her name, 'Coming mother" she cried.

Her mother told her, "Ruby, your grandmother is feeling lousy, today, you must bring her this bsket full of delicious treats." 

As she said this the wolf was watching them, "Those treats will be mine," he declared.

"Of course mother," Ruby said, "But be careful of talking wolves," her mother warned, "yes, mother," she replied.

And off she went.

She heard a rustle of leaves, "Could it be the wolf," she screamed.

She started to run, "I think I lost him," she said.

But the wolf was right behind her, watching her.

Ruby loved picking flowers so she started to pick some for her grandmother. "I will only be a minute' she said to herself.

"A Minute's Just enough to get her grandma," the wolf chuckled. 

Granny, was sleeping, until she....

Heard a noise her eyes shot opened, 'Who's there" she said.

To be Continued........ 

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