Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Full cast list for "The Book of Fairy tales!"

The full cast list for "The Book of Fairy Tales," series, is here, the auditions took some time, "Everyone" was so good, here are the one's who made the cut, some even got more than one role.

Molly as Ruby.

Marie Grace as Grandma, and extras.

Argos as the big bad wolf.

Samantha as Emerald, Queen Brianna. 

Caspian as the Hunter, Prince Charming.

Edmund as Prince Henry, the Prince, and Prince Philip.

Felicity as Princess Winifred.

Kanani as Queen Isabella.

Juliet as Drizella. 

Elizabeth as Ella.

Kit as the Fairy Godmother, lulu, and Fauna.

Emily as Anastasia, and extras.

Ruthie as Snow White.

Ignatius as Prince Naveen, and King Stefaun.

Cecile as Princess Tiana.

Bitty Babies and twins as the Seven Dwarfs.

Nellie as the evil queen.

Lanie as Aurora.

Kailey as Flora.

Cochon as the Crow.

Josefina as Maleficent.

Grace as Merryweather.

Rebecca as Lady Tremaine.

The End.

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