Thursday, June 11, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Photo Story: Riding Like the Wind.

This was one of my favorite photo stories, Samantha always seemed to get onto trouble with animals.

Samantha was going out for a walk with her best friend Nellie, "And then the dogs started dragging me down the street," Samantha said to Nellie. "That sounded like fun, has Juliet asked you to watch anymore animals," Nellie asked, "No, and if anyone did I would say no can do," Samantha said. 

Felicity came riding on Penny her horse to Samantha and Nellie, "Sam and Nellie, I am late for a test, and I need you guys to watch Penny Can you Please!" said a pleading Felicity.

Nellie looked at Samantha, Samantha thought oh no not again, but then she looked at Felicity pleading face, "OK, we will," Samantha said in a whispering voice. "Great, you can take Penny for a ride," Felicity said running down the street.

 "What happened to, no can do," Nellie asked, "It left when I looked at Felicity's face," Said Samantha. Samantha looked at Penny, here we go again,  "Well it can't be that hard to ride her," Nellie said.

"I will try," Said Samantha. she put one leg over her and there she was on Penny, "yeah you are right this is easy," said Samantha. 

But then Samantha accidentally kicked Penny, and off he went. "Ah, Nellie save me!" Samantha screamed, Nellie started to run after Penny, after a hour of Nellie chasing Samantha and Penny, Penny finally stopped.

 Samantha immediately got off Penny, "Why did she stop," Nellie asked out of breath. "I have no idea, but I'm glad she did I almost lost my breakfast, lunch and dinner riding her," Samantha said.

 But then Samantha looked at Penny, and she saw that Penny was looking at Felicity who was just getting out of her test. "Well, that's what she was looking for, she was looking for Felicity," Samantha said. 

Felicity walked up to them, "Thanks for taking care of Penny, was she hard." "Um just a little," Nellie said. After that Felicity left them, "well that was fun," Nellie said in a joking way. "And then Elizabeth walked up to them with Patriot, "can you please take care of patriot, I am late for a dance class."

 Samantha looked at Nellie, Nellie looked at Samantha, "Sure why not, It could be fun" Samantha  said. "Here we go again," Nellie  said, The two friends burst into laughter, "I am glad your my friend Samantha," Nellie said. "Me too, now it is your turn to ride the horse."

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