Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hairstyles by Sarah: The Hobbit Tauriel Hairstyle

This week in honor Junes movie magic, I will be doing the Tauriel inspired Hairstyle on Felicity. Recently we posted a photo shoot with Felicity dressed as Tauriel and we all thought it would be a good idea to make a hairstyle tutorial on it. So let's get started for this hairstyle you will need a: brush, hairpins, and some hairbands. 

Step 1: Brush your dolls hair. 

Step 2: Take a small section from the top of your dolls hair and separate it into three parts.

Step 3: Braid the three sections adding hair as you go.    

Step 4: finish the braid and put in some hairpins to hold it for now, do the same on the other side. 

Step 6: Take out the hairpins and tie the two sides with a hairband.

Step 7: (like in the picture) separate it into two parts.

Step 8: Start to fishtail braid the two parts when you get to about a little less than half tie it with a hairband.

Step 9: separate a small section from the top of her hair and do the same on the other side. 

Step 10: Take another section from the front of the ear and twist it do the same on the other side.

Step 11: Tie the two sides together with a hairband and your done. 

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