Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Photo Story: Gone with the Dogs.

Samantha went to Juliet's house, "Hi Juliet," Samantha said "How are you doing." "Not well, I don't have anyone to take my shift to walk the dogs, and I am supposed to meet up with Kanani today to help her with her schoolwork" replied Juliet. Then Juliet got an idea, she said "Maybe you walk the dogs? Please, Pretty Please!" "Ok," replied Samantha. "Thank you, but remember do not feed them they get hyper," Juliet said as she was walking away. Samantha thought to herself what did Juliet say, I heard thank you but she was too far away that I did not hear the rest. "Oh well, Hope it wasn't important," Samantha said.

She walked to each of the owners houses where she picked up the dogs, "Let's see do I have them all, there's Pepper, Sugar, Meatloaf, Honey, Bennent, Argo, and Princess, all of them are here."  So they started to walk.

The walk was going very well, all the dogs were cooperating. Samantha stopped to take a break "I am exhausted," said Samantha to the dogs. She took out a cookie from her purse, "Well at least I can eat," She said. All of the sudden, the dogs started whimpering  and jumping on her. The dogs all looked so hungry, maybe they're hungry thought Samantha. She said to the dogs "Are you hungry, Ok you can have a bit off cookie."

The Dogs immediately devoured the whole muffin, "Wow you were definitely hungry," said Samantha. They began their walk but instead of walking the dogs were running. "Slow Down!" cried Samantha.

After a hour of "walking" Samantha was finally able to calm the dogs down, and bring them home. Afterwards, Juliet met up with Samantha "Thank you Samantha for walking the dogs, their owners called me up and said you did a great job." You are welcome, I never knew how hard it was to walk dogs." Samantha said. "Do you want to eat a cookie?" Juliet asked.  Samantha responded,"I may never eat a cookie again."

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